Bealtaine (2020-present)

The miniseries Bealtaine embodies the ancient Celtic festival Bealtaine which celebrates the beginning of Summer. The name is derived from the Gaelic words ‘bel taine’ translating as ‘bright fire’ or ‘mouth of the fire’. During the festival rituals were performed to ensure the fertility of the earth for the coming year. Fires were lit at important landmarks and the flames, smoke and ashes were revered for having special protective powers.

 The images capture contemporary peat fires often started maliciously, or accidentally due to rising temperatures and dryer Summers. Outbreaks of peat fires are becoming more frequent and the peat can often burn underground for weeks before resurfacing.

‘Bealtaine’ is a miniseries within a larger body of work entitled ‘Beneath | Beofhód’ which is kindly supported by the Arts Council of Ireland and Kildare Arts Service.

Bealtaine - Solo exhibition in Kildare Town Library [June 2022]. Ambient sound from bog fire site included.


Beneath | Beofhód


Built Environment